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The Chip Board Archive 11

Re: If you haven't got anti-virus by now

Yeah ABC was funny, but since you don't know what you're talking about the thing that's funny is your lack of understanding.

Dude - quoting the original is a defacto standard. Only old CS people and AO-Hellers do it. What are you a member of the Flat Earth Society? grin

People can do what they like, but hey if it's lame, I thought they might like to know. Note to Andy - IT'S LAME DUDE!

I don't knock everything from right left and center. I am just trying to tell you it's the worst communication method since a cup and a string is all.

The Compuserve point? No point, just an observation.

And hey - all the grin in the world don't make an attack funny.


Messages In This Thread

VIRUS Warning! Sasser worms
No worries....
Re: No worries...
Jim, MacIntosh....
Re: Why I run Netscape for my browser grin
No Worries at my MacHome...
Before you MAC users sigh of relief.....
Forget all about those virus programs
Re: Forget all about those virus programs
Re: Forget all about those virus programs
Re: Forget all about those virus programs
Re: Forget all about those virus programs
If you haven't got anti-virus by now
Re: If you haven't got anti-virus by now
grin vbg grin
Re: If you haven't got anti-virus by now
Re: If you haven't got anti-virus by now
Bye Now Andy
My silence shows only.......
Re: My silence shows only.......
Good one!
Why oh why....
Re: Forget all about those virus programs
EXACTLY What I was thinking....
Who has the guts
Boy, That didn't take long! vbg
Just what I though
Whadda' Dork! rofl
Talk is cheap
See my email.....
Mike Poole Don't be threatened
Awww, He's just throwing a tantrum again.
Re: Mike Poole Don't be threatened
Re: Talk IS cheap ... I retract my post
Thanks Bill for mentioning that....
grin Thanks, Andy...
re; it just never ends
grin You're wrong...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg