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The Chip Board Archive 10

Re: JOHN ZOESCH...And then there were none...

Talk about "and then there were none"! They started eliminating the electrics shortly after I started at Milw Road. From what I heard they got more money for the copper in the overhead cables than what it originally cost to put in the whole system. And that was after most of the copper was stolen by enterprising locals after it was dropped to the ground. It got so bad that I think a lot of junk yards out west stopped taking in copper wire because everyone knew it was stolen. One of the rooms I worked in had all of the railroads locomotive and car photos including the 8" X 10" negatives! There must have been 10,000 photos going back to the mid 1800's in there. I know that our correspondance files went back to the 1880's. About 6 months after I was laid off they closed the shops and all of that stuff went into a dumpster.

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JOHN ZOESCH...And then there were none...
Re: JOHN ZOESCH...And then there were none...
Re: JOHN ZOESCH...And then there were none...

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