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The Chip Board Archive 10

Thanks Allan, here are a few scans...

Allan, thanks for helping out.

The chip does appear to be medal aligned somewhat. When I turn it around from right to left, the other side is "mostly" upright. I may have to tilt it just slightly to get the image perfectly upright. Not sure if when I spin it if I am twisting it or not. It's pretty dang close tho'.

Here are some scans. Chip does have a dirty ring around the edges as if it's been in a rack...

Messages In This Thread

Chip ID, ChipRack Question, Cleaning Question...
Re: Chip ID, ChipRack Question, Cleaning Question.
I thought those CO chips were common.Thanks Kevin!
Is this chiprack N7222 or N2231?
Re: Chip ID, ChipRack Question, Cleaning Question.
That sounds scary! grin Thanks for the suggestions!
Silver Slipper 50¢
Thanks Wes! I need to get that as a 2nd reference.
If Your Silver Slipper Is In Medal....
Thanks Allan, here are a few scans...
Before removing the scotch tape ...
Man, do I love Scotch tape on chips.
...and here's the obverse
Re: ...and here's the obverse
That's what I wanted to hear!
Re: That's what I wanted to hear!
Re: Chip ID, ChipRack Question, Cleaning Question.
Great info. Thanks Esther!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg