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The Chip Board Archive 08

WOW!! Authentic NAZI poker chips!

Here is part of the description:

"This is a rare, complete set, at least as complete as you will ever find, of Nazi poker chips, WW 2 vintage. They were brought home by an American soldier as a souvenir after a successful raid on a German occupied area in Europe."

My opinion on this and the myriad of other wrongly described auctions is this: the sellers are crooks or, at a minimum, low lifes.

Unlike many of you, I don't accept ignorance as an excuse.

Messages In This Thread

WOW!! Authentic NAZI poker chips!
the seller forgot to mention...
I have written to the seller ...
Excellent letter JIm.
This is all fine, but...
Re: This is all fine, but...
Re: This is all fine, but...
I guess your email did it
Does e-bay scan for and ban NAZI items?
Doesn't look like it...
Re: Does e-bay scan for and ban NAZI items?
and what does all this have to do with KISS?
Gone, but I don't think ...
Wrote the following response ...
I get an "Invalid Number" when I try to display it

Copyright 2022 David Spragg