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The Chip Board Archive 08

Re: I've heard similar things....

Agree, plus you might be able to run both CD drives and just copy everything over to the hard drive, and then to new CDs.

As far as CD-RW I'm not impressed. grin I have moved to using them for temp storage and then copy everything to CD-R which can be found for under 50c new. (sometimes 19c if you watch for rebates and sales)

The big problem with saving all my images to one CD is finding them again. Make lots of sub-directories like, chips, tokens, plugins, whatever and just back everything up to a CD-R.

Next time you get a big collection, enough to splurge for the 50c, make another disk, or copy everything to the hard drive, with the new, and make another master disk.

I have some CR-RW which are more expensive and less reliable. I use them now for music compilations, then burn a master CD-R and erase the intermediate copy. Same when I did all my pictures from floppies, used a RW to make the copy so I could edit and change my mind, then burn a final master.

If you have an old computer or a friend with one, and network cards, (cheap) you might be able to network the two, and copy all your old disks to the new drive.

Get a USB box that allows for more devices, run top down (just have the old drive running laying on the desk) and copy all your RWs to new. Make sure they work and re-format the old.

Personal opinion, just make CD-R backups of all of them and start over collecting.

Good luck!

Messages In This Thread

Can't read old CDs on new CD/RW drive
I've heard similar things....
Re: I've heard similar things....
Load all software that came with hardware

Copyright 2022 David Spragg