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The Chip Board Archive 08

Re: What is it about Bakelite?
In Response To: What is it about Bakelite? ()

Very interesting site. I have a chess set (red and off white pieces) that I've always wondered about. Someone awhile back said it was celluloid and someone else said that celluloid and Bakelite were the same thing. Yet another person said ivory for the off white pieces. I conducted my own "test" a long time ago. I took a small scraping from the bottom and lit it on an old spoon and it smelled like burning plastic. Definitely not ivory (lol). At the time, I hadn't heard of Catalin. Guess I'll try the Fantastik test.

Messages In This Thread

What is it about Bakelite?
Re: What is it about CATALIN??? (Not Bakelite)
Re: What is it about Bakelite?
7-piece CATALIN set
Re: What is it about Bakelite?
Re: What is it about Bakelite?
Re: What is it about Bakelite?
Re: 409 test and others

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