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The Chip Board Archive 08

Re: What is it about Bakelite?
In Response To: What is it about Bakelite? ()

Here's the site that RobertE now links to for info on the old phenolic resins, tradenamed Bakelite or Catalin. It has a number of tests to determine whether your piece is real or another kind of plastic.

How about this spectacular chip rack from Robert's site!

Messages In This Thread

What is it about Bakelite?
Re: What is it about CATALIN??? (Not Bakelite)
Re: What is it about Bakelite?
7-piece CATALIN set
Re: What is it about Bakelite?
Re: What is it about Bakelite?
Re: What is it about Bakelite?
Re: 409 test and others

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