After all this long thread of discussion isn't it about darn time we hear from a club officer on the subject? Are they even listening to the many concerns. Even OLCD hasn't said a word. Is HE conveying all these concerns to the officers and ARE THEY discussing it at all? Where is all the communication we have been promised over and over and over? (Sorry, Archie, but the discussion is here so I have to post here also.)
To Dave & Debbie: The logo is not a created image. It is an actual photograph of items that were for sale in the store at that time.
Next I have not discussed this with Bill at any time recently and nor am I going to, so I have no idea what his thinking is on the subject. It is up to the CLUB OFFICERS to contact him, which was already done over a year ago, and find out what is going to be done. I do know he does not read these BB at any time, so if no one else has mentioned it to him, he doesn't even know this new war is raging. Now officers the ball is in your court, please do something about it before it gets any worse. Janice O'Neal CH-008