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The Chip Board Archive 07

Chip trade list question

I run into this problem every year after the convention. Not only did I pick up numerous new chips at the various casinos I visited but also end up with 50 or 100 extras that I got at the convention itself(either by mistake or great deals I couldn't pass up). Now throw in 50 to 100 chips that I traded away and my trade list is a total disaster. I always spend a couple of weekends making a new trade list. I update my list (which is in MS EXCEL) by making a new column "A" and then make an "X" in that column for every chip I currently have. I also add in all of the new chips I acquired and add an "X" in col "A". Then I sort by Col "A" and whatever row doesn't have an "X" in it gets deleted.
OK. That is what I do but I am thinking that there has to be an easier way. So here is the question: How do you keep your list updated? Do you religiously remove every chip traded away and add every new chip as you get it? Is there an easier way to do this recordkeeping? One problem is that my main chip list is 700 items long and the illegal list is another 400. HELP! grin (And, NO, I won't just send you all of them.) vbg

Messages In This Thread

Chip trade list question
Unfortunately, you're doing all you can...
Re: Unfortunately, you're doing all you can...
One method....
Re: Chip trade list question

Copyright 2022 David Spragg