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The Chip Board Archive 05

Now more than ever it is important ...

... that we as a country do what's right.

>> Would it be prudent to fly a 757 with one
>> passenger on it?

If that's what it takes. There is NO JUSTIFICATION for the removal of a law-abiding person from a commercial airliner because some members of the flight crew (or other passengers) don't like that person's looks.

I would rather see the plane fly with one passenger than to have that one passenger put off (or kept off) the plane for no better reason than his Arab ethnicity.

As for McVeigh & the Arabs, it's not apples and oranges at all. It's dark, swarthy complexions and black hair as opposed to lighter skin & hair. Just another variation on the internment camps of WWII -- answer this: how many German-Americans were interred during the war? And then this: why were the Japanese interred (despite the fact that the 442nd was the most decorated American unit in the entire war and was made up entirely of Japanese-Americans) and the Germans weren't? The answer, short and simple, is that the Japanese looked sufficiently different that they could be readily identified on sight.

The same thing is now happening with people who look Middle Eastern. And I, for one, consider it shameful. ----- jim o\-S

Messages In This Thread

Exactly what I feared is now happening
I didn't have time to fear that.
Re: I didn't have time to fear that.
Re: Exactly what I feared is now happening
Re: Exactly what I feared is now happening
"IT" being my Country
Re: "IT" being my Country
Go burn a flag Pete.
Go burn a cross Mike.
It's about fear, not the government!
Thank You Bob! Well said.
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Having said that...
Re: Having said that...
Re: Having said that...
Always nice
Re: Always nice
Re: Exactly what I feared is now happening
Re: Exactly Terry
Re: Exactly what I feared is now happening
"The only thing necessary ...
Re: "The only thing necessary ...
Re: "The only thing necessary ...
Not at all! ....
Re: Not at all! ....
I missed where ...
More ...
Re: More ...
Re: More ...
Re: More ...
What to do ...
Re: I missed where ...
I geuss I should be ashamed of this country....
No need to be ashamed of our country ...
Of course things have improved ...
Re: Of course things have improved ...
Re: Of course things have improved ...
Re: "The only thing necessary ...
Now more than ever it is important ...
Re: Now more than ever it is important ...
Re: Now more than ever it is important ...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg