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In Response To: I missed where ... ()

... commentary about what our government is doing (not written by me, but available on the internet):

Compare Gravity Of Crimes Between the Insiders and the Public

For a better understanding of the arrogance in the government's so-called war-on-drugs, consider the difference in punishment for those outside the system and those who are part of the system:

Examples of Men and Women Outside the System--Like You

A young black mother overhears one side of a telephone conversation and does not report it to authorities. She is charged with misprision of a felony (Title 18 U.S.C. §4) and sent to prison for five years.

Seller of cars or real estate who overlooks reference to drugs in negotiations to sell their item, and who are then charged with a drug offense when they accept a deposit. Read Drugging America for more examples.

User of marijuana or other drugs who are sentenced to years in prison for drug use.

Sellers of marijuana or other drugs who seeks to meet the demands of the American drug users, ending up with long prison sentences, or even life without parole.

A 65-year-old widow, unsophisticated to the world of drugs or government entrapment, is sent to federal prison and her assets seized, after accepting a deposit for the purchase of her condominium from two government informants. During the negotiations to "buy" the condominium, the two government informants casually stated that they sold drugs. Either the comment did not register with her, or she did not think that had anything to do with her sale of her condominium.

But For Those In the System

But there are no charges, or prison sentences, for the following crimes by those in the
system, which are far worse than those offenses for which most people have been sent to
federal prison:

People involved in smuggling tons of drugs into the United States, including personnel from the CIA, DEA, State Department, National Security Council (Oliver North), the White House (in the Iran-Contra affair), and others.

Government personnel in positions of trust who:

Cover up for the drug trafficking in the above example, such as Justice Department lawyers, federal judges, members of Congress. These acts of cover-ups are criminal offenses.

Block the reporting of the drug trafficking and other federal crimes, such as federal judges, which compounds the obstruction of justice offenses.

Retaliate against former and present federal agents who report the corrupt and criminal activities involving people in key judicial and other government positions and covert government operations. These are felonies, made worse when perpetrated against former federal agents and witnesses seeking to report the criminal activities.

Those Guilty Of Major Crimes Responsible For Imprisoning the Innocent Or Minor Offenders

These are the same people who:

Legislate draconian prison sentences for often minor or questionable offenses, which committing felonies arising from covering up for criminal activities and the cover-up of such criminal activities by government personnel.

Legislate conspiracy statutes that permit charging innocent persons with the crimes of drug kingpins, resulting in long prison sentences.

Legislate forfeiture statutes that permit the taking of a person's life assets, without being charged, or who were found innocent, with virtually no possibility of regaining them.

Prosecutors who charge and prosecute people on sham charges, who exaggerate the charges to force a guilty plea, who use known or rewarded perjured testimony, who threaten to charge innocent wives or aged parents with criminal offenses to force a guilty plea when innocent or guilty of lesser offenses, and who cover up for the crimes of government personnel.

Federal judges who sentence defendants to long prison terms, who aid and abet false charges by prosecutors, who aid and abet the use of perjury testimony, who bars the use of justified defenses, while they simultaneously cover up for these offenses and the criminal offenses of other government personnel.

These criminal acts by government personnel, in positions of trust, misuse their positions to block the reporting of criminal and even subversive activities, while simultaneously inflicting great harm upon the men and women of the United States.

Refusal Of Those In Control Of the System To Change It

Those in control of the system, in the Justice Department, members of Congress, and judges, will not change the system.

They profit from it.
They are criminally implicated.
If the public is that naive and doesn't object, why change!

The Do-Nothing Public

Do nothing, and you share the blame for the criminal activities for which there is plenty of evidence, for the harm suffered by people in each of the categories described in the books.

Partial List of Covert Crimes Committed Against the American People

This is a partial list of criminal activities discovered by the author and his group of contributing government agents and deep-cover operatives. Adequate proof of these matters is found in the third editions of Defrauding America and Unfriendly Skies, and the first edition of Drugging America:

Years of drug smuggling by the Central Intelligence Agency, later joined by the National Security Council, the U.S. military, and portions of other government agencies. This practice has inflicted great harm upon the people of the United States, upon people's freedoms, constitutionally protected rights, and enormous personal tragedies.

Bankruptcy court corruption that destroys people's assets and inflicts grave personal problem upon innocent people. This corruption involves federal judges, judge-appointed trustees, attorneys and law firms, and the Justice Department's trustee. Chapter 11 cases that have large equities and are not "bankrupt" are targeted, statutory and constitutional protections openly violated, and people corruptly stripped of their assets. The courts are made into a criminal enterprise.

CIA involvement in financial crimes against America, including the looting of the savings and loans and HUD, and other financial scams.

Pattern of other scams, including October Surprise, Iran Contra, and more.

False charges, and perjured testimony, by government agents and government informants, against tens of thousands of men and women in the arrogant and corrupt war-on-drugs by government personnel.

The tools are here to force changes in the corrupt war-on-drugs and to force the release of many men and women who have been fraudulently charged and convicted, or sentenced to prison terms far longer than justified.

Government personnel sending often-innocent men and women to prison while government personnel simultaneously engage directly in drug smuggling or aid and abet government personnel's drug smuggling.

Felony cover-ups of these corrupt practices by America's checks and balances. Heading the lists are the attorneys with the U.S. Department of Justice, followed by members of Congress and much of the broadcast and print media, and members of the legal fraternity who see the judicial corruption first hand and cover up for it, pandering to their peers on the court benches.


Renegade judges revoking statutory and constitutional protections, with tragic consequences. Unlawful and unconstitutional orders are rendered barring people from the statutory and constitutional right to federal court access and barred from exercising the protections of such laws as the Civil Rights Act, declaratory judgment statutes, and other protections. This practice is applied to government and other whistleblowers attempting to report hard-core high-level government corruption.

Unlawful and unconstitutional decisions barring government whistleblowers from court access, preventing them from reporting high-level government corruption (via federal crime reporting statute, Title 18 U.S.C. Section 4), and blocking them from the protection of law when targeted for retaliation.

Criminal contempt of court charges against whistleblowers when they seek to report federal crimes via Title 18 U.S.C. Section 4.

Criminal contempt of court charges against targeted whistleblower when exercising federal defenses against such judicial retaliation.

Felony cover-ups by federal judges of high-level government corruption.

Depriving defendants of defenses. Judges refusing to allow defendants from having covert government agents and covert government documents used in court in their defense, allowing innocent people to be convicted and imprisoned.

These statements are not hyperbole. These matters are detailed and documented in the books, Drugging America, Defrauding America, and Unfriendly Skies, written with the input from dozens of government agents and deep cover operatives and others.

Messages In This Thread

Exactly what I feared is now happening
I didn't have time to fear that.
Re: I didn't have time to fear that.
Re: Exactly what I feared is now happening
Re: Exactly what I feared is now happening
"IT" being my Country
Re: "IT" being my Country
Go burn a flag Pete.
Go burn a cross Mike.
It's about fear, not the government!
Thank You Bob! Well said.
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Re: It's about fear, not the government!
Having said that...
Re: Having said that...
Re: Having said that...
Always nice
Re: Always nice
Re: Exactly what I feared is now happening
Re: Exactly Terry
Re: Exactly what I feared is now happening
"The only thing necessary ...
Re: "The only thing necessary ...
Re: "The only thing necessary ...
Not at all! ....
Re: Not at all! ....
I missed where ...
More ...
Re: More ...
Re: More ...
Re: More ...
What to do ...
Re: I missed where ...
I geuss I should be ashamed of this country....
No need to be ashamed of our country ...
Of course things have improved ...
Re: Of course things have improved ...
Re: Of course things have improved ...
Re: "The only thing necessary ...
Now more than ever it is important ...
Re: Now more than ever it is important ...
Re: Now more than ever it is important ...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg