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The Chip Board Archive 05

Good news... finally

Andrea Ramsey - close friend of family - is OK.
She was at LA GRDIA airport - ready to board her plane this morning when the terrorists hit.

She obviously is grounded and stranded in NYC until further notice... but I am thankful she wasn't on one of the fateful flights heading west.

Archie Black commented his son works a few blocks from the Trade Center... my prayers are with him and all the friends and families of the victims of this horiffic tragety.

Messages In This Thread

In total terror waiting for news... sad
WHICH AIRPORT did these planes fly out of?
Re: WHICH AIRPORT did these planes fly out of?
Thanks Pete... we are hoping for good news...
Re: WHICH AIRPORT did these planes fly out of?
Re: WHICH AIRPORT did these planes fly out of?
Re: WHICH AIRPORT did these planes fly out of?
My sister works at a Hospital near Sommerset
Good news... finally
Re: Good news... finally

Copyright 2022 David Spragg