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The Chip Board Archive 05

Re: 394 - Majority of 2000?
In Response To: 394 - Majority of 2000? ()

"But having degrees in Math and Statistics, I do know that 400 of 2000 is NOT a majority. In fact it's not even close. And for us(since I'm on the list) to say that the majority of the club is against slabbing - is perhaps wrong.

Please correct my thinking if I'm wrong."

Scott; I don't know that your thinking is wrong or not .... and I don't have a degree in anything, as I've never attended college.... but I have an instinct for interpreting numbers pretty good and since you'r asked for input... here's mine.

All I know is that 717 club members voted in the last election and that President Pincus was elected with only 314 votes ... which was not the majority of those 717 members who cast a ballot; much less a majority of club members which numbers more than 2500.

Statistically speaking, more than 400 folks have signed onto "The List" opposing slabbing, which is far more people than have expressed interest in voting for the current Club President! That is an astounding significant statistic in my un-educated view! Before one asks, this was not a one-issue referendum when it came to electing our club officers. Many other factors were put into play before voting for the candidates of our choice ... at least 717 of us.

I know there are people who are fed up with this whole slabbing controversy and are tired of reading about it. But let's face it folks. It "ain't" going away with that level of interested people who are against it.... whether it represents a majority of club members or not. How about let's getting the members who could care less, who don't even bother to vote, get involved in the business of this club. Isn't that even more important?

Now, not speaking to you Scott ... but to everyone reading this post;
Want to do something pro-active for your hobby? Then put your name on "The List" ... or at least vote in the damn elections. Maybe someday, somebody, will pay attention to YOUR concerns.

The whole issue here was baning the slabbers for three days out of the year while at out convention. Lots of folks have lost sight of that fact and are claiming that someone is somehow depriving them of their rights, or that the anti-slabbers are attempting to tell them what they can collect. Nothing can be further from the truth. This club, as a matter of position or policy, (in MY opinion) should have sent a loud clear message that slabbing is not welcome at our convention. Instead, they have sent a mixed message. No slabs at the auction. No slabs in the exhibits. Well if they are banned at the auction and in the exhibits... why not ban them at the tables as well? Why is it the same logic does not apply to those who feel that they are now being deprived from submitting slabbed chips in the auction or purchasing same at auction... or maybe setting up an exhibit of slabs? Why is one rule "depriving" someone regarding the tables issue ... but not "depriving" at the auction or exhibits? Go figure, I can't.

BTW; Just for the record ... I support the Board's resolution to ban slabs at the auction and in exhibits. I feel that the ban should have been extended to the bourse floor as well for only three days out of the year.

Messages In This Thread

394 - Majority of 2000?
Re: 394 - Majority of 2000?
Re: 394 - Majority of 2000?
Re: 394 - Majority of 2000?
Scott, I don't have a degree in either, but it....
Re: Scott, I don't have a degree in either, but it
Re: 394 - Majority of 2000?
717 Voted In CCGTCC Election
Scott, I said "I haven't seen it. "...
Re: 394 - Majority of 2000?
The List & being SlabFREE
It is TRUE
Re: The List & being SlabFREE
Re: The List & being SlabFREE

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