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The Chip Board Archive 05

Re: Flea Market Chips?
In Response To: Flea Market Chips? ()

At flea markets and antique shops - I ALWAYS ASK.
Sometimes they have stuff piled so high - you won't see 'em if you're looking. At swap meets... after asking - people have gone into their RV's and pulled things out, saying, "Oh... you mean like this??" vbg

And same here - I have had people bring things the following week... I leave my card. At antique shops, I am so persistent, they finally call me at home to tell me, "I wanted to give you first crack at so-and-so."

Many times your search will produce nothing. But as many on this Board know... one shopping trip produced at funny colored "One-Armed Bandit" chip (he was SO cute - and is in someone's Nevada .10c collection now grin ) worth more than I could have imagined. Your "first find" is EXCITING... of course... so is the second... and the third... and the big ones and the little ones...

I picked up these at the local ghetto-meet yesterday grin (we have a depressed economy here... most the time I'm lucky to find an interlocking orphan sad

Messages In This Thread

Flea Market Chips?
Re: Flea Market Chips?
ANA Convention in Atlanta
Re: Flea Market Chips?
Flea markets, thrift shops, antique stores,,,,,,
Re: Flea Market Chips?
Re: Flea Market Chips?
Re: Flea Market Chips?
The best place I have found is.....
Re: The best place I have found is.....
Re: Flea Market Chips?
Re: Flea Market Chips?

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