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The Chip Board Archive 04

I am really #####ed now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe the crap I read on here.

People are just looking for arguments.


Chuck Tomarchio says :

" Gene, I think you hit the nail on the head--it's all about money. I don't think Rene gives a flying farthing about slabbing at this point"

Like I replied to his post that is a dumb ass comment.
I posted at least 4 seperare messages stateing that i am against slapping.
Including a 2 page letter. Do you think i have time to exhange messages on here all with you, just so you feel someone cares.

I told everyone on here that my mom just had a heart attack and i am busy spending time with her. I got one person sending me a email asking me if everything is cool. But I got another 20 messages of people demanding what i do at my show or they won't show up.

I don't have the time or the interest to argue with all these people.

CHUCK T. You say all i care about the money.
When you think of me what do you see.
Some punk ass 23 year old that is thrilled to make an extra $2000 for 2 months worth of work. You got me way wrong. That is chump change. I will you tell you in a few mins why i do this show. You judge me and don't even know me.
The only money worth really mention i made in this HOBBY ( Yes i see it as my hobby) worth mentiong was when i was partners in the Gift Store. And most of the money their was made not with collectors but with gifts to tourists.
And the reason i left that is because i didn't like haveing partners. I like to do run my own business more. And Steve Cutler was and still is one of my best friends.

Chipping makes no real money its a hobby its fun. If i am all about money i have so many more options i can do. I do many different things. I am 23 years old and never worked for anybody except for when i was 13 for 2 years at a auction. JUDGE ME YOU DON'T KNOW ##### ABOUT ME. I went from leaving germany as a rich kid to lose everything in america and picking in the trash as a young boy to find things to sell and pay rent. And then again building sucessful business. You think so small. If i wanted to make real money in this industry i could but i see it as a hobby at the moment. What would you say if i told you i can have a standeing offer right now, where someone offered me $150,000 to be in partnership with me to open up a store downtown or in a major strip hotel. And all i have to do is run it to be a 50% owner, because he knows if i do it it will make money. You really think i care about a little show. If i don't have a extra million dollars to but in a bank and earn interest by the age of 30 i will consider my life as a business man a failure.

I don't think you know crap about business. You are freaking out because someone brings in a new idea. Let's ban then and hide all everything about them. If I were the CEO of that company i be very happy. You Demonstrating how insecure you are with your beliefs and how weak you must think they are compared to mein. This would show me nothing but weakness in your part and would make me feel very good about myself and the future of my company. BEFORE SOMEBODY MISREADS THIS , IT WAS JUST A EXAMPLE I AM NOT THE CEO OF THAT COMPANY.

BOB GaBel you said you will stay back east and just let us play with the slappers. Are you saying you are not comming to the show because there ICG is gonna set up. Well then you are a fool.
Why do you think i do the show? :

For money?
For Reputation?
So i have a place to sell my chips????

None of the Above :)
I do it for YOU and ME and ALL the other chippers out there.
I happen to like to get together with other chippers and trade chips. Or buy some chips and yes even sell some of my extra's. Its nice to go to dinner and talk about finds and collections. That's why I did the show. Just to have some fun. But just like everything else in this hobby its gonna turn out to be a pain in the ass.

You know what the funniest thing is about the whole thing. People posted on here asking if i will let them set up. And i never gave a final answer because i was thinking about. And considering all the options and consequences. So instead of being patient and waiting to see what i have to see people got bored. I mean what is life like without rumors and something to complain about so people just made an assumption and went with that. Just so they got something to talk about. Please do me a favor and get a life.

I wasn't gonna let them set up because of how many people feel. But After all this screw it. I am gonna let them set up. And if some people don't come to the show because of them its their loss and just shows how insecure they are. There are gonna be some dealers at the show that i don't like. We all have at least one dealer we don't like doing business with. So do i need to ban all them too. I am not gonna be part of that. I don't think its fair. I think everyone has the right to have their message heard. I know what i belief and what i do just because they set up won't make me change my mind. I won't slap my chips and that is final . I am not gonna play along with this weird behavior.

Next thing i know someone will form a unit. The CPO ( Chippers with Pushy Opinions) and their purpose will be to beat the crap out of everyone that slaps or owns a slapped chip. And then we can make sure people won't do it. And once that problem is solved i am sure we can find something else we can control. I am not game.

The fact is 99% of the guys on Andy's list including Andy i consider friends.
I am 100% against slapping. But I won't join that list because i don't aggree with the way its being handeld. I think i am man enough i can voice my own opinion and don't need no one to tell me what my opinion is. Plus i have no desire to force my opinions on someone else and boycott them until they do what i say. I just wanna have fun. I don't care if you stay home from the show. I will have fun no matter if there are gonna be 200 or 500 people at the show.
But i am kinda loseing interest in this hobby. I don't think slapping or Le's will kill this hobby, but the people that always complain no matter what. Because they just take the fun out of it.

Look at the people who said my book sucked. Did anyone else do one.
No they just talk. I am not gonna do another one, i lost the fun in it. Let one of the talkers to do one. CHUCK i am gonna give you a tip there are talkers and doers. And as long as you stay a talker you will never get to control things. Not everything i do is perfect but at least i do things. Its easy to second guess or say things after the fact. Why don't you do a show and you can ban whoever you want. Or you can always just talk about how great your show would be and what you WOULD DO.

Anyway, again i am kinda not happy with chipping i wish someone would just buy all my chips about 10,000 and i would give them a deal of a lifetime. Also have many other things. I would promise you never have to hear my opinion again.

I could talk about this stuff for hours but the bottom line is people will just twist my words anyway and if they don't find nothing to twist then they will just make fun out of my english. So I just cut it offer.

I closeing i would just like to say I know many people feel that there is to much fighting on here and some people are going crazy. I wish they have the cuts to speak out. Opinions make the world go round and without them we would be still in the stoneages.

I am gonna go look at a ashtray deal now and if they are some good once i will use this board for what it is meant to be. To share information with chippers. And I will but some cool scans online.


Messages In This Thread

I am really #####ed now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rene! I only have ONE question...................
Re: Rene! I only have ONE question................
Re: Rene! I only have ONE question................
Re: I am really #####ed now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: I am really #####ed now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Hey Bryan - See You There
Re: Hey Bryan - See You There
Re: Hey Bryan - See You There
Re: I am really #####ed now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: I am really #####ed now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: I am really #####ed now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rene - Thanks for organizing a show
Re: I am really #####ed now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: I am really #####ed now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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