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The Chip Board Archive 04

Re: "A GD funeral"???
In Response To: Re: "A GD funeral"??? ()

No. I was describing how to leave a dark, damp cave where you curse the darkness in favor of stepping out into the warmth of sunlight. Try reading the attached link about people who put lots of effort into a hobby they love. Organized comic book collecting has been around since 1970. Their goals and imagination have broadened. Their national convention draws tens of thousands of people every year and has since the late 1970s.

Some of you people lack vision. Limited Edition chips are here to stay until the last chip collector bows out. YOU can't change that, BUT you can guide the direction it takes! It's called growth and adaption to change. Study the comic convention link.

I, myself, organized and ran seven comic conventions in the 1980s. I received full cover spreads repeatedly in the El Paso major newspapers. I made licensing agreements and flew in professionals from the industry as guests-of-honor. I sacrificed much of my time and energy to encourage growth in comics. I was successful and have pride in my results. But, then again, I was one person where your body is thousands.

If you want to keep the chip collecting hobby small and garner little attention just say so. If you'd like to see the number of collectors skyrocket to 100,000 then take more of an active role in encouraging what the casinos release as far as limited editions. They aren't cranking those out to be played on the tables. They are producing them EXCLUSIVELY for you. Tell them what you want. Control your destiny. It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.

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Re: "A GD funeral"???
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Re: "A GD funeral"???
Re: "A GD funeral"???
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Archie, thanks for posting the link ...
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