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The Chip Board Archive 04

Re: KINGDINOSAUR is Scott Blacksher.............

Unfortunately, those thoughts you requested were censored. My reminding old-timers (and enlightening collectors who have entered the hobby less than 4 years ago) about the fact that "limited edition" casino chips were treated with the same contempt then (and still lingers) as "slabbing" is being treated now, were purged from this message board.

As stated before, I don't own any "slabbed" items and I have never sold any "slabbed" items. I'm quite capable of grading various collectibles. Some people aren't and are willing to pay a fee for someone to (suppposedly) do it unbiasedly for them.

I welcome healthy debates, but removing a statement because it causes people to question history is, basically, like tying my hands while others verbally pummel me. It wouldn't bother me if the whole thread was deleted, but to selectively choose which passages to omit strikes me as censorship based on losing an argument.

Add that to the general message that several club members have voiced wanting to dictate WHAT can be collected, HOW it can be collected, and WHO can be associated with in the progress of collecting or risk being ostracized by the club is quite frightening.

As much as the success of other hobby's "slabbing" is disturbing, it is more disturbing to witness fascist behavior erupting in any hobby which should be the personal enjoyment of collecting REGARDLESS how someone chooses to collect.

If a casino chip collector wants to drill holes in $100 LE chips and make an ankle bracelet out of them LET HIM if it makes them happy. If someone has gobs of money and wants chips in "slabs" LET HIM buy it! What difference does it make if they are only in it for speculation? Do you think non-"slabbing" will keep away investors like some sort of Kryptonite?

What kind of hobby are you preserving where strict rules and guidelines are being drawn by a handful of people currently in power to do so? Control freaks are trying to maintain a germ-free, perfect environment and FUN and ENJOYMENT are being sacrificed in the process.

Years ago I saw a woman encouraging her son to collect comic books. Unfortunately, she got lost in the "investment" aspect and removed any fun and enjoyment for her son. It all became very hermetical. Jeez, let the kid fold back the cover, kick back in comfort and READ the damn thing if thats what he'd like to do!

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Re: KINGDINOSAUR is Scott Blacksher.............
Re: KINGDINOSAUR is Scott Blacksher.............
Re: KINGDINOSAUR is Scott Blacksher.............
Re: KINGDINOSAUR is Scott Blacksher.............
Re: KINGDINOSAUR is Scott Blacksher.............
Re: KINGDINOSAUR is Scott Blacksher.............
Re: KINGDINOSAUR is Scott Blacksher.............
Re: KINGDINOSAUR is Scott Blacksher.............
Re: KINGDINOSAUR is Scott Blacksher.............
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Re: Threads.....Greg
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I have always supported the expression ...
Re: KINGDINOSAUR is Scott Blacksher.............
Thank you Greg!
Re: Thank you Greg! I concur w/Bob O.... EOM
Ditto with Greg, Bob & Archie!!!
Greg....Cyberpost are missing

Copyright 2022 David Spragg