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The Chip Board Archive 03

Ouch Jim
In Response To: Re: Less Slam & More Concern! ()


I'm a defender of EVERY chipper who I think deserves defending. Let's put that in the constitution. <g> *The hobby will thrive with or without the board but it's up to each individual to make it an enjoyable one.

While this forum has its advantages, it is far too easy to fire off a message that is taken the wrong way. Voice inflections, body language, and context cannot be conveyed in this forum. When we disagree with a post, sometimes we are to the point, passionate, and often offending. Sometimes it's hard to separate a personal attack with a well thought out debate. But is it something that should be brought out in public? I too have written many emails and posts which I regret and wish I could undo. Some messages are left PRIVATE!

I agree that most volunteers in any hobby are illappreciated for the work they do. Taken for granted, perhaps. I don't know all that is done behind the scenes. But I do think that too many people are unfairly attacked for the best that they are doing. I do care about peoples feelings. Are bbs poster equally sensitive when they attack our editor, convention chair and staff, the board, and other volunteer positions? But I guess the only think I personally can do is... run for office? Then I'll be a target like Archie or any other past officer. It's a masochistic decision.

If you (a call to everyone) can do a better job, I suggest you run for office.

BTW Jim:
I received a few emails from prospective members who have voiced a concern of NOT joining CC>CC. One reason given -

"As a chip collector on the outside looking in, I am apalled. I was prepared
to join the club...but after some of the petty stuff I have read, I am now having second thoughts."

With so much good that is going on with this hobby, can't we have positive things to say? So mind your pints and quarts...

Messages In This Thread

Re: Less Slam & More Concern!
Ouch Jim
Re: Let's address the problem!
Re: Let's address the problem!
Re: Let's address the problem! Soapbox ....
Re: Does your wife....

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