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The Chip Board Archive 02

Re: To Clean or Not to Clean...
In Response To: To Clean or Not to Clean... ()

I'll repeat my personal viewpoint. I don't clean if I am trading or selling. Let the buyer decide what is best for their collection. For my own that I keep, if it's moderatly dirty, I leave it alone, if it has deep grunge I used a soft childrens tooth brush and window cleaner. ps hot stamps will turn from gold to silver, so they get covered with my thumb and I only clean the mold designs. Chipco, Paulson graphics BJ and others of like design are much more durable.

Messages In This Thread

To Clean or Not to Clean...
Re: To Clean or Not to Clean...
Re: To Clean or Not to Clean...
Re: To Clean or Not to Clean...
What To Clean with?
Re: What To Clean with?
Thank you Andy
Re: How about a "cleaning" site
Re: What To Clean with?
Re: What To Clean with?
Re: To Clean or Not to Clean...
Re: To Clean or Not to Clean...
Re: To Clean or Not to Clean...
Re: To Clean or Not to Clean...
Re: To Clean or Not to Clean...
Re: To Clean or Not to Clean...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg