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The Chip Board Archive 02

Re: Suspended eBayers - opinions?

To All: As usual bringing up a "delicate" subject gets all kinds of flack
and fall out on the person bringing it up.

This is NOT a perfect world people. Of course we would ALL like it to be, but facts are facts and the only way to survive is to take this sad fact into consideration when dealing with strangers (sometimes even with someone you think you know). We all, at some point in time, run into rip-off artists and these on-line auctions are a perfect breeding ground for them. I whole heartedly applaud anyone that tries to keep a watchfull eye on these situations and brings them to the attention of the BB's when something looks bad.

It has already been discussed that for the most part E-bay "FEED BACK" is a bunch of useless dribble, so that's not really any help at all. Sweeping it under the rug (I.E. ignoring it) only protects the guilty and hurts the innocent.

If an innocent chipper gets suspended I'm sure the first thing he/she would do is run to this board to get himself/herself cleared. If the person is not on the board they should be given the chance to come forward if they so choose. As we have already seen the guilty will try everything they can think of to wiggle out of it when they get caught in a rip off.

Those of you that opt for saying nothing would be the first to scream bloody murder if YOU were the one to get ripped off!

To: Robert Eisenstadt-yes, you can get suspended as a buyer if you do not pay for something you have been the winning bidder on, or if you have bounced checks, and probably other reasons I don't even know about.

To: John Massimani-maybe YOU don't have anything better to do than stick a paddle in the kettle to stir up the brew! (I think I am supposed to put one of those stupid G signs here, but I refuse to use them) If you don't take this as funning, too bad!!!

To: John Benedict-This Rich didn't have to get any "bites". He did what needed to be done I.E. list those that have been suspended and let everyone else decide to check for themselves or not, that becomes each individuals right
Because these were computer related sales they didn't mean much to some of us. You can bet the pot if it had been chip or token related PLENTY would have been said by all of you.

To: Rich Hanover-keep up the good work. We all miss Jim Reilly (the watchdog guru) and know he is going through a sorrowful time right now. I'm sure when the time is right he will be back and then you will have help again trying to keep the sharks out of our hobby.

Now I'm putting the pieces of my soap box in the fireplace!! (at least for this time) Janice O'Neal

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Re: Suspended eBayers - opinions?
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Re: Suspended eBayers - opinions?
Re: Suspended eBayers - opinions?
Re: Suspended eBayers - opinions?
Re: Suspended eBayers - opinions?
Re: Suspended eBayers - opinions?
Re:Suspended eBayers - opinions really wanted?
Re: Suspended eBayers - opinions?
Re: Suspended eBayers - opinions?
Re: Suspended eBayers - opinions?
Re: Suspended eBayers - opinions?
Re: Suspended eBay question.
Re: Suspended eBay question.
Witch Hunt
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Re: I agree, and a CONFESSION!
Re: I agree, and a CONFESSION!
Re: Suspended eBayers - opinions?
Re: Capitulation
Good post, John!
Re: Good post, John!
Re: Good post, John!

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