The Chip Board
Custom Search

The Chip Board Archive 01


I was offered this chip for $125.
Small Crown - Red - 3Brown - Inlay
Midway Chuck Wagon - Cowboy/w two guns wearing an apron - No denomination
It was said to be from the Midway Casino in Pittman - closed 1946
Nice chip!

I made a deal with the person that had it ( he had 6) If I could prove it was from the Midway, I would pay $175, if I could prove it was not, I would get it free.

Result of search:

It was from the Midway Chuck Wagon. A restaurant at 2855 Midway St - San Diego, Ca - open from 1960 to 1961. ONE MORE FREE CHIP!! The other 5 were sold to a dealer. Who knows how he is describing them.

Again I must state that TR King probably will not process a big number of searches.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg