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The Chip Board Archive 01

In Defense (kind of!)


My mistake I thought I had emailed you back, accepting your offer. I had a rush of orders far beyond the 4 chips I had. I am planning to get more of these chips this weekend. As I mentioned I can't just go in and buy these chips. I have to play blackjack and happen to get paid with the 5 or six that are in the rack. They won't sort for me. I have you on the list for one of these. Maybe they will have loosened up aquiring these. I was told that since they don't have an idea how LE's will go over, and this is for a special event that the casino didn't order very many. How many is that, I don't know?

Now as to your other concerns. There are a couple of factors that make this a little bit of a different situation. #1-I do not collect LE's or $5 chips (other than Deadwoods) otherwise I would be glad to trade with anyone on an equal basis. #2-This is not a chip that I can walk into the Casino and buy as many of these chips as I need. #3-And I think this one is important. I in was not asking to pick out the $1 chips that I was trading for, it was your choice on what to send. Yes, a couple of people that did make the trade with me told to to go ahead and pick the chips off their list that I wanted, but that was at their request...not mine. I would gladly trade one of these $5 LE chips for 3 - $1 chips of my choice (chips I would not have in my collection) instead of 5 of the senders choice that I am sure I will already have and am only going to use as traders. In fact one collector who wanted two of these LE's had a chip on his trader list for $16 that I needed. I offered him the 2 LE's in trade for that one $16 chip, and he said he would rather send me 10 - $1 chips of his choice. I guess that there must be a lot of collectors that have a few extra $1 chips laying around that they are not that attached to. In fact I am one of them. If anyone has some $5 Deadwoods that I don't have, and will allow me to buy them at face value, paying in $1 chips of my choice... let me know!

In fact I will offer these chips for $8.50 cash right now, and go down to $7.50 when/if I can walk into the casino and buy them at the cage. To be honest, I would rather have the cash than the five $1 chips of your choice. I don't have a shortage of traders at this time, and can always trade my $1 chips for other $1 traders face for face (which I do on an almost daily basis). Those I can walk in and buy as many as I want.

So, in summary I hope I have not offended many. It was my intention that since I do not collect $5 LE's to allow anyone that wanted to to buy a $5 LE at face value, and just pay for them in $1 chips of your choice. If there are many collectors out there like me, chips are much more plentyful than Cash!!

So, $8.50 cash or $5 payable in $1 chips, your choice. This offer is also good for anyone that has already emailed me telling me that they want the new LE, cash or chips makes no difference to me. If it makes no difference to you... send the cash!

So again my main defense is that I am not trading for chips that I specificly want, I am trading for chips that my trading partners don't want!

I do understand your concern, and am actually glad I got a chance to defend my offer "publicly", and again I will have a chip for you by the weekend. Sorry, for not verifying our deal by emailing you back, I thought I had... but I don't have a good defense for that, sorry. Let me know on our trade.

Hope we are still Buddy's?

Steve Brock

Messages In This Thread

First Belle of Sioux City LE ever!
Re: First Belle of Sioux City LE ever!
Re: First Belle of Sioux City LE ever!
In Defense (kind of!)
Re: In Defense (kind of!)
Re: In Defense (kind of!)
Re: First Belle of Sioux City LE ever!
Re: First Belle of Sioux City LE ever - III
Re: First Belle of Sioux City LE ever!

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