The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 01

Holiday Boardwalk Casino & Las Vegas Hilton

For all you Information Starved Individuals.
The Boardwalk Casino have put out their
NEW table chips. I have not been able to get them
myself.To busy and too HOT!! There will be plenty
for everyone!!

Just a short note for everyone. Most of us here in
Las Vegas were not aware of the tables being removed from
the Las Vegas Hilton Space Quest Casino
for almost two weeks, and we only knew because a silver
strike collector from OUT of TOWN told us. All chips were
already removed and as far as we know were not available.
With everything that takes place here information is not
just given to us on a silver platter, we have to dig for it
and Everyone Locally tries their best to provide you Nationally
the information you want. Some times we just don't know
ouselves. Hope this helps everyone.

Jerry & Janice O'Neal

Messages In This Thread

Holiday Boardwalk Casino & Las Vegas Hilton
Re: Holiday Boardwalk Casino & Las Vegas Hilton
Re: Holiday Boardwalk /"Spacequest Casino"
Re: Holiday Boardwalk /"Spacequest Casino"
Re: Holiday Boardwalk /"Spacequest Casino"

Copyright 2022 David Spragg