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The Chip Board Archive 01

In Response To: QUESTION ON "TOKENS" ()

The tokens in question are considered trade tokens, in that they were good in trade at the place mentioned on the token. The item in trade could either be a good, such as a cigar, or a discount towards the purchase of any item. They were an early form of advertisment as well as a more permanet form of "coupon discount" then todays paper versions.

The value of the tokens depend upon of course condition, metal type, size, and if they can be attribute to a particular state, city, and location. That is to say, for example, a Gaming Chip which just said "Casino" would be worth less then one which had a Casino Name on it, and this would be less then one that had both the Casino Name, city and State on it - - "Jerry's Nugget, Las Vegas, Nevada."

While I deal primarly in Casino Tokens/Chips and Military Tokens/Chits, there is a large collector base for these type of items with many dealers who would be interested in either purchasing outright or offering the items in an auction.

There is also a large number of reference guides available which can give additional information.

Please feel free to contact me if you would like addtional information.

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Copyright 2022 David Spragg