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The Chip Board Archive 01

Re: Jerry's Nugget help!
In Response To: Re: Jerry's Nugget help! ()

Hi John,

That's my problem. I looked in the book and can't find it. I have two very similar Jerry's Nugget chips. Both orange, coin in center, 6 white inserts. One matches the "6 Solid Edge Inserts" chip on page 30 of the book. The other matches the "6SO" on page 31, but has a coin inlay.

Where I really become confused is when I look in TCR and don't see anything about 6 suits listed, just 8 suits.

Greg Susong

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Jerry's Nugget help!
Re: Jerry's Nugget help!
Re: Jerry's Nugget help!
Re: Jerry's Nugget help!
Re: Jerry's Nugget help!
Re: Jerry's Nugget help!

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