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I recently got an email from eBay . . .

reminding me that I "items in my cart" that needed to be paid for. Clothing items! I contacted eBay at, I think,, and received a reply. The email was phony and they are investigating. So, yes, beware of any emails that ask for money (in a creative way) or are otherwise unsolicited. Definitely open season of phishing!

Messages In This Thread

Beware of scam emails going out to Club members...
Re: Beware of scam emails going out to Club member
Re: Beware of scam emails going out to Club member
Thx Jim. This stuff is so disappointing to hear
I recently got an email from eBay . . .
I've had phone messages following the emails ~~~
Hopefully your NEW website will fix these issues
Danny, I do not see how...
The new forums DO have this well in hand
Re: The new forums DO have this well in hand
And to make it more complex

Copyright 2022 David Spragg