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vbg Harvest Stories from here & abroad mad


Hello Chippers; Here is a short story from yours truly or a guest author of our experiences while harvesting somewhere in the gaming world. A few are from countries out side the USA. Most are entertaining and most are instructive as to what to do or what not to do while harvesting chips from casinos or card rooms.
Some people have compulsions to gamble, some to amass fortunes and other’s, they just like to write stories; yeah, that would be me. I was never very good at it; but I have done it over the years just the same.
If any of you want any inside info on any casino that I’ve been to, I would be happy to tell you what I can.





I knew that Harrah's Rincon, now Harrah's Southern California, would have to spring for new chips sooner or later, as their old set of Bud Jones chips had been there since the casino opened its doors. But even though a $5 Hotel Grand Opening "Harrah's Southern California" chip had come out a couple of years back - no new house chips.

Finally figured out why: apart from the bankruptcy of the parent company Caesers - they were re-naming the very city in which the casino stands, and may have needed time to accomplish that. Rincon has become Funner - at least around the casino buildings.

At last - someone posted a "Harrah's Funner" $1 chip on eBay and I knew the new rack was out. Learned of it on a Monday - could not get away from work to drive down there the entire week - sheer torture! Who else would "discover" the new chips before then? Nobody, as it turned out; at least nobody reported it to the ChipGuide.

Saturday morning, March 31, I was stuck serving a Deposition Subpoena at a bank in Redondo Beach. I fairly threw it at the Bank Manager and hustled out, on my way to --- err, Funner, as it's now officially called.

Got there around 2:30 PM with big bills in my pocket and plan in my head. A quick look told me that the casino indeed has a whole new rack, so I went to one of the craps tables, threw down a Benjamin and a Jackson, and asked for stacks of $5's and $1's. No problem but the croupier and stickman (stickwoman, actually) were looking at me like, well, put down your bet, big boy. So I tried a $5 on Number 8 and they immediately yelled, "No!!!" Turns out the table had a $15 minimum, but the lady helpfully said, try the table over there, it's only $10 at that one. I thanked her, pocketed all my chips (my original plan) and sauntered away. First time the craps folks actually "suggested" I take my chips and leave.

Stopped at three-card poker table and bought a single $25 chip; then found a poorly-stocked Blackjack table and just about bought out the dealer's entire supply of $2.50 snappers - ten in all - surprisingly, he did not seem upset by this. Maybe he was about to go off-shift or some casino runner would be called into action. Or he had been coached by a pit boss that "pesky collectors" would be by for the new series, and to humor them with a sale. Anyway, it was greatly appreciated.

Stopped off at the poker room - but no new $2 chips had been issued. As they are used as drop chips there, perhaps the casino did nto figure it was worth any extra expense.

On the way out, I stopped at an "Invaders from the Planet Moolah" slot machine and just had to try it out. One winning line, icons replaced by new ones to make . . . another winning line, a third, fourth and fifth while "air raid sirens" from the machine grew louder. Five winning lines in a row, that's good for 8 free games and . . . well, the jackpot from them put me $85 ahead.

So I drove outta Funner wit' a smile on my face.

J. Eric Freedner

Copyright 2022 David Spragg