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The Chip Board Recent Archive

I have to say...

That I am happy to see the recent absence of disrespectful and rude commentary on the board.

It was getting pretty bad there for a while and frankly it was difficult to understand who was saying what, about whom, and why. Some of those posts of "If xyz doesn't happen, I'm taking my toys and going home, or not helping move forward" or "the club sucks, I quit" were disheartening.

There have been a lot of positive posts recently with offers to help improve the club, the MOGH, the web site, etc. There is an incredible about of knowledge and talent amongst the members and I'm happy to see things seem to have turned the corner.

I'm especially thankful to see the people who have volunteered (or been volunteered!) to work on specific areas. From what I can see everyone seems to be a 'neutral party' between established members and the people who have recently been asking a lot of questions and demanding change. I think that is a crucial bridge between factions and I appreciate everyone's efforts!

Here's to the future! Auction

Copyright 2022 David Spragg