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Penthouse Club London

Yes. Though I do not know what period in time the matchbook is from or it even belongs in ChipGuide.

I have expressed my opinion to ChipGuide that any image of an item not being from the gambling period of any property should be removed. I even showed an example of one image I had submitted from the Floridian Hotel which is from a period way after the casino was closed. There are a ton of postcards listed that a from a period way after the casino operation.

I think that ChipGuide should be more about quality and not quantity...

Messages In This Thread

It's the Bow of a ship.
Id have to agree
Ha grin You have no idea how many times I ~~~
Re: Ha grin You have no idea how many times I ~~~
Re: Ha grin You have no idea how many times I ~~~
Penthouse Club London
Looks like a shoreline to me.
You're correct. View is South.
I see that now, had me fooled
It had me fooled for 30 years. Was told a ship
Re: It had me fooled for 30 years. Was told a ship

Copyright 2022 David Spragg