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Public Clarification - Jerry Vergatos

In the heat of all of the anger being directed at the CCA, its Board of Directors and the MOGH, I made posts that I regret were poorly worded and led to misinterpretation and accusations against Jerry Vergatos that I never intended. I mentioned “totally inappropriate comments” in a post and discussed it with Jerry in several follow up and related posts.

I want to make it absolutely clear that Jerry did not proposition or sexually harass my daughter in any way. He discussed subjects, whether we were pressuring her to have children, how we treated her boyfriends, that, in another time, to another generation, may not have caused much distress, but to a person in their twenties, in today’s culture, is no longer acceptable and, in this case, made her feel extremely uncomfortable. To her, there were implied assumptions that were improper and rude. I recognize that Jerry may not have known this, but it’s the world we live in now. I also indicated that I would have asked Jerry to leave, which may have further implied that the comments could have been sexual, and I must apologise for that. With a cooler head, I actually don’t think I would have asked him to leave, but I would have spoken with him about it and firmly asked him to refrain from any further questionable behaviour with my daughter.

Jerry please accept my sincere apology.

Messages In This Thread

Public Clarification - Jerry Vergatos
Re: Public Clarification - Jerry Vergatos
Re: Public Clarification - Jerry Vergatos
Good News, let’s all move on!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg