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Apologies and Thanks

After some phone calls and messages of support and a few with questions, and yes a few with some not so nice things to say I want to assure everyone here that Myself or Joe and Sarah or anyone else for that matter is out to destroy the CCA. Why would anyone want that? To what end? It makes no sense at ALL. Make trouble?? Again to what end?

If you know me, which a few here do, you know I have a passion for chip and the hobby, I dive into my passions head first and wholly, which drew me to join the CCA. I enjoyed helping with setup and tear down last year as who could say no to a fellow law enforcement brother and a PITA like Scot!

Like ANYONE I can be a bit loud, I can be a bit abrasive trying to get a point across, and yes, I can, like anyone else be misunderstood. I apologize if I've made you feel threatened in any way regarding this CCA Club. I cannot help but call out misdoing at the expense of others. I wish the best for the CCA and I whole heartedly believe that since things got so intense here the end result has come out and its not bad.

Members aside from myself have many questions, valid ones, they want change or at least an attempt at it for very good reasons and they too are asking and persistently asking for it. People are volunteering to help better the club in any way they can. I also apologize if you think that pointing out certain people for the BS they pull is simply negativity to cause trouble, but you are wrong on that. Its not hard to see how things go here, over and over and over so it was my choice to resign my membership to the club as I cannot support things the way they are.

I have not said one thing that isn't publicly known, I haven't "enhanced" any stories or made reference to things with the disclaimer of "I don't know if its true or not but we'll let everyone decide". When someone makes statements about you that they really know nothing about it can heat you up and I was definitely heated when one poster decided he would doxx my information publicly in some misguided attempt to give support to, well, whatever he thought he was supporting. Giving out what you think is personal information of where my family, my children live openly on an internet forum is unacceptable and to Freedner I whole heartedly do NOT apologize.

Kaplan, well, he's Kaplan and that's the last I have for attention in that area he has to live with his choices, I'm glad David or whoever was able to reign him in and fix the Oscar thing along with firming up the policies of the chip guide and its admins, which I believe is a rich resource that should be well cared for and cherished while keeping it 100% accurate and verified.

I hope all who reached out were assured that it isn't at all the club or the majority of its members I have a problem with, I think you know what my concerns are with a very few. I will watch from the outside at the changes that are promised and the great club I know this can be and hope that change will inspire my desire to rejoin. You sill have quite a few asking questions and have concerns and instead of mocking them or calling them trouble makers why not engage with them and if their questions are not important to you what's the problem in answering them?

Community, Chipping, and discussion should be what this is. Holding each other accountable shouldn't be a bad thing, it should bring dialog not pitchforks. Cutler has legitimate questions, Benedict has real valid concerns, Westen has great Ideas, offer support not grief. Open minds make things better not worse. I'm glad to see a bit of a rally after the forest fire, maybe a fire was what was needed.

I wish the best for the club and pray for it's revival, that revival will come in the hearts of young fresh minds with great ideas, embrace them not chase them away.

If you read this far thank you.


Messages In This Thread

Apologies and Thanks
Dan that's a welcomed post especially towards the
Re: Dan that's a welcomed post especially towards
Sorry to hear you resigned from the CCA
Re: Sorry to hear you resigned from the CCA
Re: Apologies and Thanks
Re: Apologies and Thanks
Re: Apologies and Thanks
Re: Apologies and Thanks
Re: Apologies and Thanks
False apologies as shown in your rant
Eric I like you but if you exposed someone's
The information that you mention has been deleted
Re: The information that you mention has been dele
Re: Apologies and Thanks
Excellent advice... and I hope Dan ~~~
Re: Excellent advice... and I hope Dan ~~~
Re: Excellent advice... and I hope Dan ~~~
Re: And....

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