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Lets Focus on the POSITIVE, not the NEGATIVE..

..of the past week.

Sure there has been some name calling and harsh words on this Board this past week, but people should focus on WHAT was said..not HOW it was said.


1. Many good points were brought up by several people who aren’t members of the old boy club CLICK (misspelling of Clique intentional, for those that have been on the Chipboard for a while)

2. ‘New blood’, with money to spend, active in the hobby/club. This has been sorely lacking in recent years.

3. Some people actually going to the Club board to read a couple of the threads, proving if a tree falls in the forest and people actually hear it, it does make a sound.

4. Accountability, as some are finally questioning where did all the money and items go that were given to the MoGH. Keeping the honest people, honest.

Sure some of these outspoken posts the last couple of weeks are loud and brash with an ‘in your face’ tone. However, this may be the only way people will listen and the truth will come out..

Two steps forward, one step back..but at least we are heading in the right direction..

Messages In This Thread

Got Dinner Reservations tonight and wont be able
Happy to move it to 10-ish if that works for you
Lets Focus on the POSITIVE, not the NEGATIVE..
When did McDonalds start taking reservations
Since tonight because of so many in his group
Re: Since tonight because of so many in his group

Copyright 2022 David Spragg