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Re: Blackjack Tournament at The Strat Next Month

Some are played against other players and others you just play and they count the points you get. At the end of the contest the one with the most points wins.
I've won several tournamaents and have come in the money many time.

The first tournament I ever played in was at the Stardust. I was in the lead and had to decide if I wanted to win or harvest chips. I did both and I came in first. I won 500 dollars. They were using old NCV chips from the vault. It was every Tues and I played in a few of them. I got every chip but the 2.50. A friend I was with managed to get 3 and harvest 1 which was later sold for several hundred dollars.


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Blackjack Tournament at The Strat Next Month
Re: Blackjack Tournament at The Strat Next Month
Re: Blackjack Tournament at The Strat Next Month

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