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Not going to let you perpetuate this narrative.
In Response To: Please Don't Respond ()

Sorry. I've been trying to stay out of your mess of an administration lately, but why is it EVERY TIME you or CG get caught doing something inappropriate you want to turn it around and say there is a conspiracy against you and Chipguide and CCA? If not letting hypocrites get away with the very behavior they admonish is wrong...I don't want to be right.

Someone one flat out grabbed a photo from Ebay and posted it on Chipguide. It's something we single collectors noticed when we saw the ebay ad for the Las Olas 1k chip and since no one has ever seen one or new it existed we obviously went to Chipguide to see and the damn thing was already submitetd there on the same day the chip was listed! lol The purchaser is a member of PCF and when asked he stated he did not submit the photo. A subsequent ask of the seller also turned up the fact he did not submit the photo to CG (though he would have if asked) Maybe just ask next time?

So the only two options are

1.) Someone submitted the photo to Chipguide, in a dastardly attempt to discredit CG, forced CG's hand into posting their photo WITHOUT ANY ACCREDITATION.
2.) Someone at CG, for whatever reason, continually feels they have the right to grab whatever they want it and list it as a ghost entry.

Occam's Razor - Among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected.

There is no conspiracy or plot. Just a disdain for the way you run Chipguide and MOGH using OUR money as club members. I literally get along with EVERY SINGLE PERSON I've ever met in the Club except you. IS it you or is it me? See Occam's razor above.

It's no secret people are hungry for a new way to engage with other collectors. I fully support and encourage every new endeavor anyone takes to create a new channel of engagement within the hobby. I love Joe and Sara's energy and videos, I love that Dan Madrigrano has the gumption to open up a new site all on his own with his own money. I love contacting 80 year old card room owners and writing down their stories for my museum website these past 5 years. All things we do because we LOVE THE ART AND HISTORY OF CHIPS. We're not saying things like "The Value of Chipguide is not in the's in all the organization and man hours" Well if that's the case you don't need my photos you can just showcase your man hours. Kindly send them back thank you.

Maybe if you weren't such a tyrannical and unpleasant individual, we could have helped you. Now we just want to get away from you as far as possible. I likely will not renew my membership next year if this is the status quo with you.

As I told my good friend George D last week, I hope next year the talk of a larger type of summer meetup of like minded collectors from the various forums comes to fruition. Pokerchipforum (and before that Chiptalk) have been having meetups all over the US for over a decade. It would be good to have a choice where to spend my time, money and energies during the WSOP. A time of year many of come to Vegas anyway...and a time the Club should be maximizing to its full potential. Not having the convention in Timbuktu because the older crowd likes it.

Per David Spragg - The chipguide is part of the MoGH and therefore ultimately owned by the ccgtcc dba CCA.

I hope the CCA has measures to insure you don't get mad someday and take your ball and go home. The content of CG is what is of value. Not your rudimentary code which is nothing more than a 5th grader would write on how to organize his comic book collection. The map is freeware used on thousands of sites including Spinettis. Click and Redirect commands can hardly be even called code. What Greg created was great...the way you tarnish it with your demeanor and actions is not.

Mr Soto to you

Messages In This Thread

Please Don't Respond
Not going to let you perpetuate this narrative.
Re: Please Don't Respond
I Have the Proof I Needed
Re: I Have the Proof I Needed
Is it this guy?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg