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Extra! ASM/Burt Co. archives Extra!

I will have a lot of chips for sale at the convention from the ASM/Burt Co. archives.

Anyone that collects any of the following (and no doubt more I've forgotten).....

Manufacturers samples
ASM Commemorative chip
Notched samples
Caribbean chips
Indian & Riverboat, WA & CA mainly high denoms
$1's & $2.50's (many unique)
Cruise chips
NY chips
Crest & Seals
Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right.

No need for anyone to email me in advance (I won't answer anyway grin )
Chips are set aside for all the usual suspects. And if you've already bought some of these from me in the last few months then I've probably found more since.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg