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My one and only P&P 1 lot, 1 lb. Brag grin

I fist saw this pearl when Dale Seymour sent me his finished work, which was an honor to be part of a work with these Masters of the Hobby.

Though I was aware of the Cercle Artistique de la Seije series, none of it was in my collection and seeing a full color picture of it and seeing what the reverse looked like was a highlight and I would study that picture for several times a week whenever I had to refer to the book and, in my wildest dreams nevermthougjt I would have even one piece from the series I first saw in the 1991, Victor GADOURY fixed pricelist catalog... and then a few years ago the pieces of the series that was in VG's,catalog and a few dupes, hits eBay after all those years and seeing the two exact serial numbers in the catalog was just unbelievable and I went after them along with building a duplicate set of the lower denominations as seen below with #18 which will replace #41 from the VG inventory... and that #41 is now available at the same level #18 cost me + shipping ($325) or in balance for a nice pearl plaque and that picture is below, too.

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My one and only P&P 1 lot, 1 lb. Brag grin
Re: My one and only P&P 1 lot, 1 lb. Brag grin
John it is really nice and makes sense you have it

Copyright 2022 David Spragg