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Charles, I'll be a piece for the last time.

I have absolutely no difficulty, whatsoever, in using the submission form... nothing, no problem at all and, I even post that completed form here with a screenshot after or mostly before I submit since I have no idea if it it will be received received. I even include a screenshof of the casino page heading along with my screenshot of the fully completed submission form as backup which, is simply an alert that I submitted the form since I have no idea if it was received... I even go as far as explaining this in some posts in case viewers are wondering why I do this, explaining the process along with a complete post (seen above)...

If you were to read any of those post with the submission form screenshot (I could have missed one or two at the most) you should be able to grasp on to the reason... and down the road I repeat that post via a screenshot just in case it was missed by the admin who might simply not read the post since the subject reads "ChipGuide Submission." Someone on Team CnipGuide should notice the post, I would think...

So, again; I have no problem in filling out the post even with my Macular Degenerwtio in one eye, except it might take me 10 or 15 minutes at most in trying to find the fields where I need to type into and the end results are usually perfect enough to submit there with a backup here... but, to be asked to send you a copy of that submission, especially if I have to type it all over, again, should not be needed... and, even though all my submissions in the past were received, I still had 100% cooperation with admin Jo Steevens and when Jo wrote me that he can no longer pull a request from the chipboard is when I bought this new tablet that I mentioned to you in an email in response to your "use the form" email.

Again, none of this MD has anything to do with me filling in the form which is as clear as daylight if anyone looks at it... and I think that is where the problem is, it is not being opened by the right asmin... The update forms seem to be going through since I notice them on the page... though some of the Caribnean and one extensive UK update pertains to tureemdiff3rnt production 2hicn I broke down in years of production and series of serial numbers never got posted... and that was directed to you, and you, alone, Charles.

I am going to take the recent advice and simply post any info here as so many others do and if it's not submitted it will at least be archived here and easilly hit in a G search.

This is all I have to say, Charle, in this matter and I lost all respect for you with what you pulled in this thread and in the other threads concerning this matter and I fully now stand behind those who express your poor conduct, especially with Joe, Sarah and Oscarl. Not good, Charles...

The best part is that I will never, ever have to go through this game of yours, again; never, ever.

Messages In This Thread

ChipGuide should definitely list manufacturers ~~~
Re: ChipGuide should definitely list manufacturers
Re: ChipGuide should definitely list manufacturers
Re: ChipGuide should definitely list manufacturers
...and I respectfully refer you to reread my post
Re: ChipGuide should definitely list manufacturers
Re: ChipGuide should definitely list manufacturers
Posted on 5/1/23 explainijg my submissions
Re: Posted on 5/1/23 explainijg my submissions
Re: Posted on 5/1/23 explainijg my submissions
ChipGuide Submissions by John Benedict
Re: ChipGuide Submissions by John Benedict
Re: ChipGuide Submissions by John Benedict
Charles, I'll be a piece for the last time.
Subject should read, I'll REPEAT this for the last

Copyright 2022 David Spragg