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Thanks for the reply, John. When I am out and....

Thanks for the reply, John. When I am out and about, I do think about what people on the CB collect. Like any time, I see bottles or ash trays I think Richard Sir.

Or when I come across "stuff" I think about Pam. These pictures are from the Antique Trove in Roseville Ca. I have never bought a chip here, but they are priced fair and always have a good selection. The owner has posted here before, but I don't remember his name, sorry.

Or when I see Saraha items I think about Doug Balduini.

And I have always had in the back of my mind if I ever come across anything like what is in your picture, I would contact you. In all my years of looking I have ever found anything like those. I do know where there is a stack of ivory chips but again, I don't know about their value. I have in the past posted for value help while in the field, but most shops open at 10 or 11 and close at 5. And I try to hit as many as I can in a day so need to keep it moving, but I can always go back!

Here are boxes of Oregon, Montana and Alturas, California chips I could pick up if someone is interested in them.

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Killed 2 Hrs before an appointment, found a few
When you're out in the field and unsure ~~~
Thanks for the reply, John. When I am out and....
Alturas, CA chip set pic didn't show up here it is
Re: WOW!! grin

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