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...and here is my recent entry not conforming ~~~

~~~ to my submission in this thread.

ChipGuide images

...and a previous submission of the same exact chip (58) which was submitted as a UFC and wound up here
. Thus Virgil's lead post asking which is correct and my response was to ask ChipGuide how the assumption was made since there could have been more than one admin involved as I previously mentioned above.

The correctios on both pages should follow; ABC in the most recent and the previous should not include the same ABC (58) chip.

It was a good catch by Virgil Foss...

I am not even sure at this point if ChipGuide decided to place my image anywhere else in ChipGuide...

ChipGuide images.

Messages In This Thread

(Message Deleted by Poster)
John Benedict is not the person to ask ~~~
Regarding ChipGuide Admins calling a monogram ~~~
The chip in question; Virgil's lead post
...and here is my recent entry not conforming ~~~
...and the reason why my submissions follow ~~~

Copyright 2022 David Spragg