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SNCCC Election, a rebuttal...
In Response To: SNCCC Election ()

We all know by now that you can fool some of the people, some of the time. And that you can fool some of the people all the time. But you can’t fool all the people all of the time.

This is an instance where you can fool some of the people some of the time. Your post(s) regarding the November Business Meeting of the SNCCC belies your awareness of what transpired and seeks to belittle and deride what really happened.

Several Club members had questions to put forth to the Board. Given that the SNCCC Board was conducting the Business Meeting portion of the meeting, as was Called to Order by the Vice-President, and, that there was a Call for New Business, it was right and proper to ask questions.

I requested and was given the 'floor' and read several comments of my own and then a question from Club Member in good standing, David Spragg. I then yielded the floor to Club Member in good standing Jay Sands to read a second question from David Spragg. Jay Sands then yielded the floor back to me to read 2 additional questions from David Spragg.

At this time there were several discussions that broke out, one of which was rather heated and to his credit, James Hogg, and not any Board member, stepped in, to calm matters down. Once James was successful at that, he then presented his Campaign Speech.

After James’ speech, I asked a Board Member where Applications and Renewals could be sent, as there was no Membership Officer in-place for the SNCCC. At long last, Terri Lonski stated, ‘well, the funds need to come to me, so I will accept them’.

I for one applaud her effort to maintain a semblance of continuity to the Club's ability to accept new members and renewals. At that time, I asked when the deadline for new Member Applications and Renewals was, and it was stated that the deadline for both was November 15th.

All of my questions to the Board transpired during the Business Meeting portion of the meeting and specifically within the New Business portion as is permitted for a business incorporated in the State of Nevada. You may not like it, and certainly had the opportunity to refute these questions and comments made, but you choose to be an absentee President on the one meeting date that the questions raised had any currency of being raised.

The October meeting happened at a point in time when the conditions of the questions were unforeseen and if delayed until the December meeting would be moot for the most part. How then do you expect the membership to present a grievance? You had better not say in writing, because that very evening I provided a hard copy of David Spragg's questions to the Board, I also provided a digital copy to a Board Member the very next day, and there has been no reply from anyone. Nothing! And not even a word when the questions were presented here on TheChipBoard.

You were not ambushed, so please don't play the victim.

I for one would like to know the answers to Club Member Spragg's questions.

I would like to know why you believe there is no conflict of interest when the sole individual emailing ballots to Club Members is you.

I would like to know why you reneged on your assurance to the Massey’s that Ballots were to be snailmailed?

I would like to know why we do not yet know who will ultimately receive, tally, and count the ballots.

I would like to know why the SNCCC Board has suspended acceptance of Membership applications. (Do we NOT want new members?)

I would like to know why you feel it is acceptable and in good leadership form to threaten me for speaking my mind?

I would like to know why you think it is OK to accuse your opponent of not knowing how to run a Club, when you yourself are not familiar with the rules?

I would like to know why the Club's financial status remains a mystery to the membership and why there is an atmosphere of secrecy? I won't say something is amiss, but where there's smoke, there's fire.

I would like to know why I can't have a membership directory/roster? We are a Social Club, and you are prohibiting me, and other Members, the opportunity to socialize by hiding who our fellow members are.

Why can't I know if we are a legitimate business entity in the State of Nevada? Just provide the Entity Number.

I would like to know if the SNCCC has ever submitted a Tax Return? I know for a fact that we have received non-member funds, which are taxable. Were they reported as such?

There are several things I don't need to know because they are self-evident. Things like resignations. You seem to do them yourself and also affect others around you to resign or decide to no longer participate alongside of you.

At what point do the people understand that you are the common denominator to all the mishegoss (craziness; senseless behaviour and lunacy). You are the center of all the turmoil and angst. And while you have done many good things and a few great ones, it remains that you are the one causing the divisiveness that surrounds so many things within this hobby over the past several years!

However, you are the problem, you are the one degree of separation from resignations, voter suppression, arbitrary decisions, unethical behavior, lack of transparency and a host of other issues and concerns that I and many others have.

My vote is for James Hogg because this cloud of suspicion and wrong doing can go away, and then we can move the SNCCC forward in a righteous and formidable manner.

Jim Follis

Messages In This Thread

SNCCC Election
Re: SNCCC Election
SNCCC Election, a rebuttal...
Can James Hogg answer all of your questions?
You would need to ask James, as I don't want to...
Is it to late to send in an email ballot
I watched the video and thats what i saw too.
Yes I 'am
WOW, Another No Ballot
Just what are you saying ?
Re: Just what are you saying ?
Re: Just what are you saying ?
Re: Just what are you saying ?
Re: Just what are you saying ?
Re: Just what are you saying ?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg