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Without having a denomination, I do not know what

~~~ they were used for and, since the name virtually matches the MOP, I am assuming the MOP was part of what both metallic chips (jetons) were used for and decided to attribute the MOP to LIMOGES, since I see a portion of the left part of "U" on the worn reverse. If the opening of the Cercle did not date so far back, I would not have considered there could have been at least one other issue of a MOP and, in this case; part of whatever the metallics were used for...

The name Cercle de l'Union is not uncommon and, my MOP being virrually exact to what we know thus far, I think it's a good call since all of the other known exampls listed in ChipGuide are so very different... and, of course, it is not my place to decide where it should be listed, as I did agree at first it was probably a UFC... grin

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