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Re: Why the Need to Deceive?
In Response To: Why the Need to Deceive? ()

I guess you don’t want any new collectors to join the hobby. smh..

Completely not what I'm about. I'm all about wanting new collectors to join the hobby. I'm sure you and many others on here have seen the passion and drive that I have for our hobby. I'm trying to spread our hobby to the world and trying my best to get it out there. That's what I've been doing for the past 2-2 1/2 years. Trying to share casino history with people, the fun about collecting casino chips and what it means. Both online and in person I've had nothing but positive experiences with everyone I've met. Sure, I've had my mistakes and I'm not 100%, but no one in life is. We're all humans and it's in our nature. I'm bounced back and done well with whatever comments have been thrown my way. I have many people that enjoy the stuff that I do and many that always love speaking to me whenever they have the chance.

I don't want anyone to feel like they can't trust me. That's the absolute last thing I want. I want to be someone people can look up to and ask for information if they have any questions. I'd like to hopefully take our hobby to the next level if that's possible.

I am NOT trying to deceive anyone. The Harrah's TRKs that I own, I showed what I wanted to do. I'll make the inlay different in some way to make it distinguishable. If that isn't enough, then I'm not sure what to do. I said that I want to make them usable in a playable set and that's that. I don't want to use any chips in a set that have a drilled hole. The chips at this point won't be sold. They will stay in my possession. All of the other chips that I have in my collection I haven't touched, murdered, replaced inlays etc. They are all original and I don't plan on doing anything like that to any of them.

I understand the viewpoint of both the singles and quantity collectors as well. I deal with both sides on a daily basis and I myself am both... Originally started out buying singles and then slowly progressed into buying quantity stuff.

Maybe I'll just have to stop commenting on all these "relabel", "overlabeled" & "murdered" chip comments. Sometimes I feel like I'm digging myself into a hole. I don't understand this divide between TheChipBoard and PCF. Sure PCF is made up of a younger demographic than TCB, but that doesn't mean we can't all enjoy the hobby similarly. I know that there are people in their 50s and 60s on PCF. They enjoy doing what everyone loves doing in this hobby and THAT'S COLLECTING CHIPS! Sure those on PCF like to put their chips into play more regularly, but that's what chips were made for! I understand the value of this stuff. I understand that you can't get them made like they used to. For example: TRKs, Taylor and Co., TK Specialty, Christy & Jones, and more...

Those that play with their chips appreciate them just as much as the singles collectors. Some guys have chipsets that are worth thousands and some only worth hundreds. They ALSO have singles collections that are absolutely incredible when they show pictures. Bright colors, pretty edge spots, fun inlays and such have made chips prices go through the roof. Bourbon Street $5s are selling for $35 for a SINGLE chip... When did anyone think that was going to happen. Then, the people that are "murdering" or relabeling chips aren't doing them to expensive and highly sought after chips. That Flamingo $5 white chip was most likely a white starburst chip before it was milled. They are taking chips like starbursts that most people have no idea what they are and just making them work. Creating amazing labels that will withstand time, water & cleaning. By doing that they give the opportunity to the next person to do what they'd like to with those chips. Some even take the relabeled labels off the chips before selling them.

From my understanding when a chip is in the production process the inlays are put onto the chip when it's still wet and before it's pressed. That not only helps the inlay sit into the area of the center of the chip, it creates the "inlay area" underneath the inlay and helps get the cross hatching that so many people talk about. Singles collectors can immediately tell that something has been touched if the cross hatching doesn't align with the rest of the chip. I've heard it many times before that something doesn't look correct and the first thing people go after is the cross hatching of the chip and inlay. I myself have never looked at chips that closely, but I know there are collectors that do.

I'll end it like this. It seems that there are two completely different worlds on two forums. TCB and PCF apparently can't seem to get together. That's why I'd like to try and bridge that gap. Many have dealt with the PCF guys and have had good experiences (there's a chance some people on here haven't had the same). Maybe they've bought stuff from you in quantity for a price you never expected or they didn't even think twice about considering the price. I don't understand the difference because we are all part of the same hobby. I'm a member of both and have had nothing but amazing experiences from both sides. I've made life long mentors, friends and more from both sides. People I would've never expected to meet and a community that I didn't even know existed until a few years ago.

Messages In This Thread

"Fantasy Overlabels"
Re: "Fantasy Overlabels"
Mox Nix...
These aren't new
Re: These aren't new
How about trying to cash them at the cage..*vbg*
Why the Need to Deceive?
Bullshìt ~~~
Re: Bullshìt ~~~
Re: Why the Need to Deceive?
Keep Doing What You are Doing, Oscar..
👍 NICE 👍 I ❤ information thanks
Well said Oscar
Re: Well said Oscar
Re: "Fantasy Overlabels"

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