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Extra! Extra! Reggie’s Weekly Note & Chip Tip

Convention Go’ers, Dealers and Volunteers, I would like to thank you for making my convention a huge success. I had a very enjoyable time visiting with old friends, old mail order buddies, and new friends. Everywhere I went was a fun experience.
The chips I traded were the most ever, and the chips I bought was close to the most ever. The chips I sold was one, and it was ordered before the convention started. And, I will commence showing the new additions in approximately a week; possibly this coming Saturday.
My wife enjoyed it because a friend from Prescott drove over to be with her for 3 of the days. She attended the ladies luncheon and enjoyed herself immensely.
I want to thank the current board and all of the volunteers for making it a success despite the circumstances that have plagued our club. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
There was a couple of low points to this convention unfortunately. One was the absence of many Las Vegas members. They did not make the effort, it sure sounds political to me, and not good for the future of our club. I would guess the dealers from L. V.; that did not attend lost money, and I saved some as a result. But, friends are friends if you only have one chance to see them at the convention every year, that is what makes it sad. The second thing is that some one there gave me the COVID and I passed it on to Nancy. We will make through it for the second time, me thinks. Today I am starting to feel my normal orney self, and Nancy is one day behind me in getting through this. You can’t keep a good chipper down.
Stand by for some beautiful new chips from my shopping and trading.
Nancy and I are pretty much through this bout with the COVID.


Please visit my Montana chip collection on the Chip Query, to see if you have a chip (traders-pages 1-13) that I can use or any traders of mine you can use.

New line up Every Day I post:

3 Single CA chips
1 Single NV chip
1 Single Other States etc.
1 Single MT chip
1 Set of Chips
2 Nevada Featured Chips & 2 California Featured Chips
1-3 Page(s) of California Chips (for as long as I can make it last)
1 Page of Cheap Chips page whenever I can find enough strays to put the pages together. (not available currently-but hopefully I can do this after the convention)
And on every Saturday another “SPOTLIGHTED SPECIAL FEATURE CHIP(S)”

Years ago while I was doing “My Page-A-Day” I would publish one of these “Chipper Tips”. I am going to try to include one each Saturday, up date it if I feel it needs it. Hopefully, this will still help a few of us remember to do the right thing when the subject matter is in question and folks if I am wrong PLMK, sincerely…Reggie



E-mail me all order’s, please… this will allow a second order of the same chip, if there is one. The email gives me time to give you a response and/or report the item sold out. This also identifies who actually ordered the “one only available” chip, while I am away from the computer.
When you email me, please; put a topic in the subject window. I WILL NOT OPEN ANY EMAIL WITHOUT A SUBJECT TOPIC As you know the internet is full of opportunists, all trying to capitalize on; or corrupt your computer and electronic mail services. Way too many of our members of our club have been hacked. I get way too many emails with words like: Hi, chips, and other generic words. Please put a subject of your email like: Horseshoe southern Indiana…or LV Convention in June…
That being said, please email me all orders, trades or questions relating to the chip you want to order; or any other offer or special postings I may make. And please remember the subject window topic should relate to chips or the e-mail that you are sending.
Thank You for all your past trades, sales and inquiries,

* I will trade Postcards, CA, MT or NV chips for MT chips.


I still have a considerable amount of post cards available (about 440). I have an excel I can send you to check out. From your viewing of the post cards available in the excel; you can order one post card, all the postcards that have your favorite casino included in, or buy me out (the entire lot). Remember there will be postage for each order.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg