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Why I'm voting for David Spragg

Those who know me know I'm not one to post political statements. I had planned on just voting for David and leaving it at that, but this year's convention was a bit of an eye opener.

For most who attended the show, they only see the finished product. What you don't see is the complete chaos before and after just about every event. This year, I got a front row seat to see David literally running around the South Point putting out fires, getting rooms ready for banquets/meetings, calling for more chairs/doors openings/electricity hookups/food/air conditioning, coordinating the set-up and running the business meeting. It was EXHAUSTING to watch.

I know this year was crazier than most (hopefully) with the last minute vacancies and Jim Steffner not able to be there in person, but David's determination and energy for the club to make the convention a success was, to me, enlightening to his leadership.

And I am in NO WAY diminishing the work of the countless volunteers who are the unsung heroes of the show. (Believe me, my back still hurts from the table set-up.) It takes a village to make the convention happen, and our volunteers do incredible work.

I just thought a quick word about my own observations this year were worth a note.

Voting ends July 16th!

Messages In This Thread

Why I'm voting for David Spragg
Spragg is the man for the job!
Agree 100%
Without a doubt!!!
Agree Ed
and yes, Voting for David
100% agree
Where's the proof of your statements?
Re: 100% agree

Copyright 2022 David Spragg