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Irving Cohen "Mr Lucky" and TR King connection.

(Those who study TR King product and production might want to serch for Eisemstadt's 'folder notes' pertaining to the product connection(s) between Mr. Cohen and the compny...)

Unlike Robert; I had the honor of meeting Mr. Cohen a few years after Robert did while Mr. Cohen resided in Florida; 1990's at his nephew's shop in South Florida, via a tip from Miami, where Mr. Cohen was to be that day if I was interested in following up with some previous research I was involved with concerning some folks who were in the "game" some years earlier (all archived here).

Without trying to worm anything out of Mr. Cohen or his nephew; I let both gentlemen begin talking the moment I informed them that I was doing research on illegal gambling operations in FL and... connected to "Las Vegas Night" fuctions and the first words (and numbers) to come from Mr. Cohen was TR King and how often he would be in direct contact with them while repeating their phone number several times when the conversation reverted back to TR King... which, was often.

I can not say anything more than what I said here and what is archived here but, I strongly believe that anyone who is willing to follow through regarding Mr. Cohen and TR King and his connection(s) do so.

Every word that came from Mr. Cohen's mouth that day has been proved to be accurate...

•••• I did not know Mr. Cohen in the 1980's...

Hope this will be of some help.

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Irving Cohen "Mr Lucky" and TR King connection.
The two red chips listed...
I recall (archived) you mentioning this a few ~~~

Copyright 2022 David Spragg