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Once upon a time their (BG) sample plaques ~~~

~~~ were the actual casino plaque with one shaved corner which was a security measure in preventing that plaque from being introduced onto the game or redeemed... and very popular with only a few collectors. Then, years later if the original inventory was destroyed those remaining samples; especially the higher denomination, became very rare and quite expensive.

There was another form of sample plaque of theirs which had two drillholes atop which are virtually only seen in their vintage catalogs.

Then, as years past they broke away from that form and went with one depicting a fake casino name; "Casino International" which lasted for a very short time and replaced with the series we have seen in the past 15-20 years... and the rarest of the lot were the totally blank plaques that usually got tossed after being received in sample kits.

In my opinion there has never been a finer chip manufacturer that was as chipper-friendly as they have been...


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Ebay.. Plaque samples for sale. Not mine
Once upon a time their (BG) sample plaques ~~~

Copyright 2022 David Spragg