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Weekend Finds at Kobey's San Diego

Went back to San Diego on Sunday - didn't find much casino-related stuff out there. The vendors were still selling Halloween goods, with some Christmas stuff as well. Thanks to the ChipGuide, I learned a bit of interesting history about the Harvey's tan keyfob:

Paul-son goofed up on the order for white chips and shipped "tan" ones. Colorado Gaming Commission must have freaked out, and in turn Harvey first castrated his bull, clip clip clip clip. "Ooooh moooo!" Next, he drilled a hole clear through him. "Ow ow ow ow ow ow oooooooo!" Then, in a final indignity, he stuck a keychain on the chips and handed them out on Casino Guest Appreciation Day, and this one ended up in San Diego, on a table top filled with a hundred other keychains. "Mooo-hoo-hoo!" cried the bull, so I took pity on him and brought him home.

The Mirage token just looked real old, without a raised outer edge and my hunch was right - one of their first-series tokens.

So, not a lot to show off but had a fun time anyway. Had better luck at the Morongo Chips for a Can event - two Morongo house chips, a T-shirt and a turkey, followed by jackpot wins at Morongo, Agua Caliente Rancho Mirage, Fantasy Springs (entire screen of Aztec Gold on Chili Chili Fire) and Spotlight 29. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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Weekend Finds at Kobey's San Diego
Re: Weekend Finds at Kobey's San Diego

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