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ccgtcc Quarterly Poker Tournament
CCA Members Quarterly Poker Tournament
Sponsored by:
Richard Huber - LM-3053-226
Disclaimer: The CCA Club is not liable for any money or the management of the tournament.

We are planning our final of the year quarterly poker tournament for CCA members and a fund raiser for the CCA. Here are the basic facts. The buy in will be $50 of which $10 of every entry will be donated to the CCA, then 100% of the remaining will be awarded to the top finishing players. The number of players paid is always determined by the total number of entrants. All players must be CCA members* valid thru December 31, 2021. The tournament will be held on a private poker site. I have selected December 7, 2020 at 6:00 PM- PST. This will give the East coast enough time to play. How do I play? Here is the basic outline.
1. If you have never played in our CCA games, send me an email for poker site info, register, login, etc. - subject line MPC652
2. We no longer use PokerStars, but a private site owned and operated by a local fraternal organization that is allowing free use of the site for the CCA Quarterly games. We have used this site for over a year.
3. Send $50 Via PayPal or Venmo - Do NOT mention poker in the payment, just note: CC-PT or Donation

a. PayPal --

b. Venmo -- @Richard-Huber-17
*4. If not a CCA member, you can join, go to the web site listed below, fill out the form and use my name (Richard Huber) as your sponsor. The Membership Officer will Let me know when he gives you a number that you are a member. Use the following link to join --
6. Because all of the required steps that need to be done, we cannot guarantee your entrance into the game. If that should occur your tournament money will be refunded. This is time sensitive.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg