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Water damage to inlay edge after 10-years in ~~~

~~~ my case with what could have been from a hairline separation where water seeped through and did whatever damage to the core or whatever to cause the discoloration and in several cases the wafer thin protection over the inlay had popped. It doesn't take much for an inlay to expand and contract when in contact with moisture... The problem exists and sadly covered up and undetected by either newer collectors or those with impaired vision.

The plastic laminates are the big problem without knowing exactly what compositions and when the changes were made...

One thing is for sure, though; I stay far, far away from anyone who explains how to unwarp a chip or "fix" a lifting inlay or describe temperatures in an oven to soften a core and then apply preasure... The results can not be hidden.

No matter the reason for performing any type of alteration for one's personal enjoyment can and does cause problems down the road; after that person dies or sells their collection while still alive and forgets to mention what procedures were done on which chips... Somebody eventually gets stuck.

Messages In This Thread

warped chips ??
Re: warped chips ??
Re: warped chips ??
Re: warped chips ??
Sounds good, Joel.
Hell, I Don’t Even Like Cleaning Them lol..
Water damage to inlay edge after 10-years in ~~~
Dennis, I would suggest to ~~~
John, I totally agree

Copyright 2022 David Spragg