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Imagine all the casino chip and gaming token...

questions our CCandGTCC have answered all these year.
As a new novice casino chips, gaming tokens and sliver strike hobbyist, I needed HELP to answer all my questions.
Then a HNL buddy told me he was a CCandGTCC MEMBER.
He invited me to tag along to the LAS VEGAS JUNE CONVENTION.
Sure I joined him. Now I have been to LV a lot.
When I walked threw the convention showroom doors and saw all the happy, nice, cool looking "people", I knew I had to sign up, join and be a member.
I've met and I became good dear friends who shared the same love of collection casino gaming items.
Curt & Lady Diana Squires hit it off. They vacationed in my HNL. I took them to all the Local HNL residence eateries.
Mark & Tammi Britton have been here, too. I've flown to his OHIO SHOW. I got to see a white rabbit bouncing out side our hotel.
Although I was with Chuck Gajewski heavily drinking Amarittos & beer outside in the Arctic cold!
In my HNL, that's any degrees below 65!!!
To me, meeting new friends and hanging out together is a great thing.
Mahalo much for reading my post.
Sincerely and respectfully,
Quintin Kamm
PS> Let's put our heads together to come up with positive ways to invite new members to join. Just post your suggestions on our CCA Message Board. Or email our Board of directors asap, a lot and keep on doing it. Ask them to reply to your suggestions.
*Here's my 2 cents: I carry PCs in my pockets and give them out at parties, family gatherings and at business meetings/conventions as my business card. My name, my phone # and email address are on the PC.
Chuck Gajewski is a good guy chip maker. Chuck has worked with me in custom creating my Business "Card" PC.
The "OH WOW!" and this is cool! replies speak for themselves.
They will ask me what the Heck is this?
I tell them all about our CCA. It gets the ball rolling.
Chuck is updating my new business card PC CHIP.

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Imagine how sought after even our somewhat ~~~
Imagine all the casino chip and gaming token...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg